I apply my personal data and preferences in order to be included in the process of selection.
Memento Ltd. is with registration address of Sofia, 11 Dimiter Dimiov str., Mono club Ltd. is with registration address of Sofia, 17 General Parensov str., Filo Sofia Ltd. is with registration address of Sofia, 111 Tsarigradsko Shose blvd. and Memento Ring Ltd. is with registration address of Sofia, 17 General Parensov str. will process your personal data only for the purpose of staff selection for Memento Cafe. By filling this form you give permission to Memento Ltd., Mono Club Ltd., Filo Sofia Ltd. and Memento Ring Ltd. to use your personal data for those purposes. If your application is not successful we may keep your data in the case new positions become available. If you prefer that we don't keep a copy of your data, please select below.